Sunday, April 25, 2010
Walk for Life - Recap
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
November 30th Here We Come!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Andrew's gettin' Hitched!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Sponsor Me!
I am currently participating in the 2010 Walk for Life for Pregnancy Support Services of Wake Forest. This organization offers a free medical service to confirm pregnancy via a pregnancy test and ultrasound after which a nurse and a counselor carefully walk the woman through the development of her baby, the abortion procedures and risks, the resources available to her for parenting (includes an in-house program providing them mentoring support and material items until the baby turns 1 year old), and the truth about the viable option of adoption.
The whole point of this crisis intervention service is to make sure the woman is FULLY informed, supported, and empowered to choose what she most desires to choose and for most women they want to choose life but don’t know how to move forward. They help her find her way forward! They help her “guy” and her family to walk through all of this with her too!
Around 12,000 women chose abortion in the Triangle area just last year which makes this service of informing and empowering them so important to me. I also love that if a woman does choose abortion that Pregnancy Support Services is a safe place for her to process her emotions and find support afterwards. They really do support the woman no matter what she chooses!
My goal is $1,000 which means I need 10 people to sponsor me with $100 or 20 people to sponsor me with $50. Would you please consider sponsoring me with a $100 or $50 gift?
If you make a credit card donation at make sure my name is in the comments section so they know it is for me.
Thank you for helping me to reach my goal and for supporting women, men, and babies affected by unplanned pregnancy!
Jonathan (