Friday, February 18, 2011

Snapshot Arguments

When we don't like someone or something, we pick at them.  We use hyperbole and any other fancy argumentation to make sure they know how much we do not like them.  "You always do that."  "I never do that." Humility is not even on the radar when we find ourselves here....

I am struck as I see another one of those bumper stickers that was taking a cheap shot at religion.  (I hate political and religious bumper stickers of any kind by the way - we can't share the gospel with those closest to us, yet we have a soapbox bumper sticker for perfect strangers to read and not respond....lame!) I know the bumper sticker that says "Abortion stops a beating heart."  Well, the sticker I saw today read, "Religion stops a thinking mind."  Rather than react in anger (which was certainly the desired result of the driver), I thought about it for a second.  And to be perfectly honest with you, I think I can see why someone would think that.  They have had a snapshot of "religion" where they have witnessed someone doing something they think is irrational, and have concluded that only those without any sort of ability to reason or "think" as they put it, would follow any sort of religion.  I disagree with them, since only the dead lack thinking minds.  But here's my point...

We do the same thing as Christians.  We take a snapshot of our "enemies" at their worst and make that the poster image for why we are glad we are not like them.  Why does this sadden me???

Because when we were at our worst, Christ wasn't taking pictures.

Instead, He pursued us with His love, even when we put him on the cross.  We need to think past the sinful images we have of our neighbors and co-workers and view them as Jesus does....a soul desperately in need of His truth - THE truth of His unending love.  When we are tempted to remember someone at their worst - our neighbors, co-workers, friends, family - spouses...we need to be reminded that we are no different, and therefore no better.  We need to listen to the profound truth of the gospel yet again - humility, grace, forgiveness.  Then and only then, can we love like Christ.....and that is the smartest bit of reason and most rational thing I can think of.

Abigail is 5!!! Wow!

There are two celebrations that our kids are going to think last for days and days....Christmas and Birthdays.  Even though the day of Christmas is Dec. 25th, we managed to celebrate it many times over the course of two weeks.  The same has been true for birthdays.  Even though Abigail's birthday was on Feb. 8th, we celebrated it over and over again.  We celebrated it as a family, then with friends, and then with even more family.  We had a great time.  There is on thing for sure, our kids know how much we love them and how special each one of them is.

I just can't belive my little girl is 5 years old.  As you might be able to see from the pictures, she already is missing a tooth.  Another one is already growing back, too.  She will start school this year.  Boy....time is just flying by for Abigail.  She is so advanced, it's crazy.  She's already spelling and writing.  She can write the name of everyone in our family all by herself.  And the letters are very good!  No scribble scrabble.

I'm one proud Daddy...but sad one too.  I miss her little pink dresses, but I guess I love the big ones, too.  Guess I can't slow her down...just hope my memory can keep up!

Happy Birthday, my Abigail!
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