Contrary to what some critics may say, last night's game was NOT just another game. This matchup is probably one of the biggest and best in all of college basketball. What other rivalry out there compares to such a one as this. Personally, I am glad that Carolina beat Duke (as I always am). What made last night's game so exciting was the fact that both are ranked in the top five in the nation. As any ACC fan knows, anything can happen in the ACC. I mean, State could beat Wake Forest, for crying out loud! Who would have imagined a thing like that. I'm just very proud to belong to a state like North Carolina that has several of the nation's top rated schools within its borders. UNC, Duke, NC State, Wake Forest, and even Appalachian State are some of the most well known schools in the country. The first three schools are so closely located to each other, which makes their rivalry all the sweeter.
My brother, Andrew (here's your 90 seconds, man!), graduated from State, and so has been brainwashed to hate Carolina. He was also taught to hate Duke (but this does not fall in the brainwash category since it comes so easily to most people). I called him last night to congratulate him on the Pack's victory over Wake Forest. I asked him who he wanted to win the Carolina/Duke game. I was actually baiting him to see if he would reveal some hidden love for one team or the other...but he didn't take the bait. In response to my question of who he wanted to win, he said, "Personally I hope the roof caves in...but since that probably won't happen I think Carolina will win by 20."
He was close...Carolina won by 14.
Ohhh, sweet North Carolina. Does anyone else get as excited when March rolls around? Maybe they do, but I know we had the brackets in our laps and pencils in hand as early as we could write. I think it's just in our blood. North Carolina basketball will always be a legacy regardless who is #1.
(PHOTO: Carolina vs. Duke, 2006 at the Dean Smith Center. Photo by Anders Brownworth. Courtesy wikipedia.org. Used by permisssion.)
Happy Appy should be mentioned first and foremost b/c it produced some of the most intelligent and best educators of all time ....