I haven't seen the guitar in the above picture since 2001. I went on a mission trip to Nan, Thailand with a group from Forest Baptist Church in Virginia. One of our visits included encouraging and helping out a children's dormitory ministry in a small town called Mae Charim in the mountains of the Nan province. The dormitory is set up to allow children who live too far away from the public school in Mae Charim to attend the school. Many children live in the mountains and could not possibly travel that far every day for school. By providing a place for the children to live, they can take advantage of the education at the school and have a chance at entering college after high school graduation. Well, the dormitory is ran by an incredible family who has been leading the ministry for some time. One of the men plays the guitar so well! The only problem was he didn't have a guitar of his own. It was a no-brainer! I brought my guitar with me for the trip and was dubbed the team worship leader. It was a guitar my brother Skip had given me for my birthday. It was tricky getting in to Nan through about 5 airports and plane trips. Fortunately I only had to hold it on my lap for one short flight. The rest of the time it was in a coat closet. I highly doubt I could do that again since 9/11. This was actually the year of 9/11, just about 9 months prior to the event. We actually were in the Bangkok airport on New Year's to watch the sun rise on the New Year......anyway...back on track here....
I haven't heard from these folks since 2001. Well, just the other week I finally made contact with them and others invovled in the ministry to Nan, Thailand. I would love to return there someday. Not just to play my guitar, but to continue to ecourage hearts and reach the lost with the good news of Jesus Christ. Someday maybe.
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