Tuesday, September 8, 2009

30 Years is a Loooong Time

Unfortunately, people do not stay married very long these days. It is very, very common to hear of a divorce or separation situation. And you know, it is also becoming more common to hear of divorce not just among those who have been married for only a few years, but among those who have been married for decades.
Well Mom and Dad just entered their third decade together, as of today. I just want to express both my thanks to them and my praise to God for giving me such incredible parents. I don't quite know how tough things were when I was little, but I can imagine, though, now having a family of my own. I know things were indeed tough, but I'm so very grateful that Mom and Dad had eternal perspective when facing tough times. They know that marriage is not about making each other happy, but about encouraging one other to strive for holiness. They understand that the hard times only shape your marriage and make it better, rather than break it and make it worse.
So many times I find myself, now being a husband and father of three kids doing the very same things my parents did. Saying the same things. Acting the same way. But you know what...I don't think that's such a bad thing.
I love you, Mom and Dad. Hope you guys enjoy this anniversary, and may the next 30 years be even better!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how sweet ! thanks ! I can look back on so many things I did wrong - thank goodness for grace and mercy. Love you!
