Well, as I was literally pulling out of the warehouse parking lot I call Ashley on the phone. She answers the phone in a relaxed tone of voice, but within just a couple of seconds I hear this terrifying gasp. I mean, one of those someone-is-seriously-hurt gasps. I immediately thought one of the kids was injured. Well, come to find out, no one was injured, but Micah had just dumped a whole can of paint on our bedroom carpet. Ashley was doing a great job of managing the daily stress level, but this one event threw her stress meter through the roof. We quickly ended the phone call and I couldn't help but praise the Lord for letting me get off early - right in time to help Ashley out when she needed me the most. Micah had paint all over him, all over his clothes, and all over his hands which also meant it was in his mouth because hands and mouths stay connected in our house for some strange reason. It usually takes about half an hour to get to and from work, and I got home in 20 minutes.
Lesson #1 - The Lord provides what you need with impeccable timing!
Before I let you in on the next lesson I learned from this incident, let me back up a bit. I know there must be a few questions on your mind right now, like, how did Micah get to the paint can, and how did he get it open after that? I finished a bathroom remodeling project on Saturday and by that evening I was pretty frustrated with the project. In fact, I had a very bad attitude about it and the rest of our projects around the house. I don't know why I was so angry about it all, except to say that my pride had certainly gotten the best of me. My work wasn't perfect, therefore I felt like all the projects were failures. Well, in my frustration, I left the lid sitting on the can but did not hammer it closed (you can't just close a paint can with your hands usually). Well, the kids were sleeping and I was so done with the whole thing so I just left the can sitting on the carpet with the lid barely on it. Not exactly the smartest too in the shed, but I seem to manage somehow.
Lesson #2 - There are negative consequences to our sin.
I was mad and upset, which by itself is nothing more than an emotion. Anger is not a sin. BUT, we most often sin when we are angry, and this scenario was no exception. My pride had gotten the best of me, so I refused to put the lid on the can in my indignation.
So, what did we do with the paint on the carpet? Ashley had the bulk of it up by the time I walked in the door. She used our wet/dry vac to suck up the majority of the paint. The she doused the area with water and sucked it up again. After most of it was up we used our lightweight carpet steamer to basically shampoo the carpet where the paint was spilled. To the untrained eye, the spot will probably never be noticed. But to me, it is a huge, bright white spot reminding me forever to deal with anger quickly before it begins to control me. Okay, so the spot really isn't noticable, but I certainly will never forget it. And Ashley, knowing full well why the lid wasn't on the can, and why the can was on the carpet of all places, has declared that she loves me still and wasn't mad at me. She says she was too glad for me to be there right then to be mad at me.
This is certainly a day we will never forget. Thank you, Lord for using a can of paint to teach me more about you!
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