Words really cannot describe how blessed I am to be sharing my life with such an incredible person as my wife. Seven years ago this past Monday (the 10th) we celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary. I just want to take the time to let everyone out there know how in love I am with Ashley. She has me so spoiled, you know. She packs my lunch for work every night. She fills and sets the coffee maker for me so it is hot and ready when I am running out the door. Not to mention she mothers our children, washes our clothes, and does so many incredible never-ending tasks that no one else wants to do (diapers, baths, and sweeps - just to name a few).
I once heard that married men live longer than men who are not married. I would totally agree with that. She is always making sure I eat healthy - and I comply most of the time. She side-seat drives a lot, which at the time is kind of annoying, but it sure has saved us from a lot of wrecks. Okay, well, it's made us take some wrong turns here and there, but I guess I didn't have to listen to her in the first place...a little bit of Adam and Eve all over again.

I know she has saved my life in other ways, too. Last night is a perfect example. I think I would have ended up in the hospital if it weren't for her quick response. I was lying on the couch completely worn out from a very long and hard day at work. All of a sudden I felt itchy all over. I started to chill and my chest started to tighten just a little. I told Ashley about it and she told me to go up and lay down for bed. It was only 6:30, but I did feel awful. So I was getting ready for bed when I noticed my skin did not look right at all. I started to rash up a little and developed tiny hives that looked like misquito bites all over my legs. I called her up to the bedroom and we both knew exactly what it was - I was having some kind of allergic reaction. She quickly inspected my skin and noticed a large red welt-like spot on my back about the size of a half-dollar. In the middle of it was a white spot that looked like a pimple. Classic spider bite. I'd never felt like this before. She gave me some benadryl and told me to rest. If things didn't improve we would head to the ER. Well, things did improve. The ER wasn't necessary. I was receiving the best patient care from my very own private nurse. Does your nurse kiss your boo-boos? Mine does. She even kisses me on the lips, too - I like that.
So, will I live longer since I am married? I don't know about longer. I know I will live better!! And my life is so full of love and joy with her by my side. I don't know when my life will end, but every day until then I will praise my God in heaven for letting me get a glimpse of his amazing grace, love, and beauty through my lovely wife.
I love you, Ashley...there is nothing in this whole world you could ever do to make me stop loving you. Nothing. You're stuck with me, like it or not. If you ever leave, I'm coming with you. I just want the whole world to know that.
congrats on being married on seven yrs love u guys! u all the best friends anyone could ask 4!