The dust covers me and makes me feel as though I am suffocating under the weight.
The pain is almost too much to bear...alas, it is too much for me.
I breathe my last as the darkness sets in. The last dim light fades.
Gasping again for one last hope I realize that it must all end.
Life on earth is over now. The darkness has overwhelmed me.
Then bursting forth, I shoot through the crust of the earth's mantle.
The warmth and the light nourish the days and weeks and months and years of rain and storm.
I feel myself growing higher and higher in the light.
A sense of newness surrounds me. This is unfamiliar to me.
My life under the earth was so dark and bleak.
This new sensation is fresh and wonderful. Too wonderful for words.
In one final push, I am thrust into what seems like the final stage of this uprising.
I dazzle the earth with radiant colors. Colors unmatched by anything man-made.
Life has ended, but life has also begun.
Life where there is no more pain. Life in the midst of death.
The earth and dust and darkness that overwhelmed me lost. Something bigger won.
And here I stand in full bloom. In the glory of light like I have never seen.
I sense that I will never leave this light.
I felt the end coming when I was in the darkness,
But now that I am in the light I have no sense of any sort of end.
It is as though this is what I was supposed to be all along.
And somehow who I was in the darkness under the earth was only temporary.
It is too amazing for words.
So amazing that I am completely overwhelmed.
inspired by 1 Corinthians 15
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