We are still nestled in our Wake Forest home. I still work for Walmart while Ashley is doing a great job being an excellent wife, and mother to the children. She still works from time to time for WakeMed, but we are glad that she doesn't have to work as much as she has in the past.
We are enjoying our time together as a family. When the weather isn't so scorching hot, we like to do things like take walks. Last month we went for a walk on wheels. Ashley and I both had roller blades, Abigail and Nate were on bikes, Micah was on a scooter, and we took turns pushing Caleb in the stroller. It was great!
We've had some fun adventures this summer! We got away for a very nice vacation to Pigeon Forge with Ashley's family back in June. It was a great retreat to Gatlinburg Falls Resort. A memorable time for sure as we had a lot of fun excursions, and enjoyed time staying in as well! We got to hold exotic parrots and other birds. We also experienced Wonderworks Museum and had a great time!
At the end of June we took a trip to Georgia to spend time with Nana and Papa. It was a great visit. We found ourselves really liking Hiram, GA, and want to visit a lot more.
What's ahead for us? Well, my youngest brother Ben is finally getting married this fall. He will be the last of the Erdman boys to get hitched. The family will not only be growing via marriage, but my brother Andrew and his wife Sarah are expecting their first baby. I'm looking forward to being an Uncle. I'm also really looking forward to Andrew going through the same joys of fatherhood I have experienced.
I'm going to try to keep this blog updated a lot more regularly. I don't do the facebook thing, so I'll try to do better with this. Feel free to drop us a note some time and let us know how you are doing!
Glad to see your family is doing well, we miss you all! We would love to get together sometime with your family!!! (We don't do facebook either! :))