We had a great ride down to Surfside Beach on Saturday. We departed Wake Forest about 8 am with a very smooth departure. We rode all the way to the SC border before we got out to stretch our legs. Our choice of places to stop was none other than the not so famous, South of the Border entertainment and shopping plaza just at the SC/NC line.
The highlight of the stop was taking pictures by the larger than life statues as well as stopping in the Hats from Around the World shop. Abigail and Mommy especially loved the large ice cream cone! The Hat Shop was so unique! It was a shop with nothing but hats. Before we left we each had to pick a goofy hat to wear at the beach. Abigail chose a flowered pink hat with yellow smileys on it. Nathaniel fell in love with a Construction workers not-so-hard hard hat. Ashley chose a cow-print cowgirl hat. And last but not least, I got an umbrella hat. It's a hat that is an umbrella. Grandpa Durst would love it! It may end up in his stocking this year!
After we got to the beach house we decided to go ahead and settle in before gearing up for the football game. I knew that Paw Paw would be soon arriving so I wanted to get the elevator ready for his use. Well, I went to open the shaft and practice operating the thing, and for some reason I could not get in. After about 10 mins of trying I decided to call the Realty Office. To our complete surprise they informed us that the elevator did not work. In fact, it had not worked since August. We couldn't believe it. There was no way Paw Paw could get in the beach house without the elevator.
The Realty Office said that we should have been informed, but we certainly were not. In fact, if we knew the elevator did not work, then we would not have reserved in the first place. So what happened next? The company we rented from also rented out the house next door. Now the house next door was supposedly nicer than the one we originally rented. So I met with the maintenance man and he let me in. YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE HOW NICE THIS HOUSE IS!!! It is like something straight out of Country Living magazine. It is gorgeous. WAY better than the other house, and it has a working elevator that is very nice! We are loving this new house and are very glad the elevator didn't work. It was a real blessing in disguise.
We stayed up till about 2:00 am last night. It was great. We all just sat around talking for the longest time. Everyone was here except Skippy. We even got to spend the whole time with Patty and Jennifer! They helped to make this night one of the best! It would not have been the same without them. I wish they could have stayed at the house with us, but already had reservations at a hotel close to the school. We had a blast, though.
Today is promised to be full of more family time. Andrew had to head back to Raleigh for work, but Maw Maw will be joining us today.
We met Ben's new girlfriend, Kaylee. Needless to say, we are very proud of the both of them. They seem to be very mature in their decision to begin what seems to be a wonderful relaionship. So far I am impressed, and as his big brother, that is saying a lot. I think Ben has made a good choice. And I think Ashley likes her, too. In fact I know she does.
Well, its lunch time and the kids are hungry. Day 2 is almost over. I'm already grieving our departure....BUT we have plenty of time to enjoy the moments together.
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