Here are my thoughts, and surprisingly, these thoughts have little to do with Rick Warren. What I can conclude from this choice, though is that Obama seems to be a true, world-class liberal. Now, before you turn me off, listen to my definition of a liberal. A liberal is one who is open-minded to any and every belief, world-view, choice, or anything anyone wants to do. A true liberal is one who condemns no one for his or her views. To a true liberal there really are no "wrongs," but all is "right" because all is permissible.
Now, as is usually the case, most American liberals would not fall under this definition. These type are as close-minded as many of us, their conservative counterparts. They just call themselves liberals because their views are radically different from the typical, what once was mainstream idea that morals and principals are of sound value. But in all reality, they are not at all liberal. They are not liberal because they are not open-minded to anyone else’s view save their own. A true liberal would believe everyone is right in his own way. These other kind believe only they are right an everyone else is wrong. They are not liberal, but instead they are just plain radical.
President-elect Obama's choice of Pastor Rick Warren demonstrates even more that he will be in some ways open-minded in hearing both sides of the table. This is confirmed by his choice in cabinet officials who seem to have polar opposite views. He seems to be painting a picture of himself to Americans that he is a great mediator between the right and left and plans to come forth with some resolutions to unite America in several ways.
Is this good or bad for America? Or for the family?
Well, I would argue that in some ways it can be good, but in other ways it can be disastrous. In our public square, every American has the constitutional right to believe as he so chooses and make decisions accordingly. Protecting our rights to be heard, either on the right or left of the discussion would be a very positive thing. The only harm in it is that there are a lot of historical documents, monuments, and other such government-owned items that are not as open-minded as Obama.
For example, "In God We Trust" is not exactly open-minded. The inscription in the preamble of the Constitution is not exactly open-minded as it credits our inalienable rights as gifts from our Creator. Historically, our nation has stood for principles, sound morals, and has fought to uphold them. These sound morals or even fighting for them would be seen as tyrannical since it would close the open minds of others.
So, being open-minded may sound like a win-win situation, but in all reality this is not such a good thing. There are absolutes. Some things are right and some things are wrong. Which one will our government stand for? Both? Only time will tell.
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