While I was at Seminary, we were able to take advantage of the Seminary "Sharing Shop." This was an old seminary married student home that was converted into a second-hand, thrift shop. Every last thing was free. They had clothes, toys, children's items, books, movies, furniture...you name it! After we graduated we really missed the Sharing Shop. We looked forward to our trips there.
Well, we were going to have to purchase some clothes for the kids soon, so Ashley had the idea of contacting the lady in charge of the Sharing Shop and proposed an idea. The Sharing Shop doesn't store any surplus. Because they get so much, they simply take all their surplus to Goodwill. Ashley asked her if we could take their surplus and sift through it for things we could use, and then take it to Goodwill for them. Everyone thought it was a great idea.
Ashley went by there this past Saturday and came home with the van absolutely loaded with bags of clothes. Our task was simple, yet somewhat demanding...open every bag, pull out what we could use, bag up the rest, and repack the van to ship to Goodwill. Here are the pics...

Ashley's pile was the keep pile. These we later sorted according to gender and size.

And...well, here's the rest. You see who had the bigger pile right?

Just when you think you are not sure how in the world you're going to make it, the Lord just kinda smiles and gives you a big blessing. Of course, sometimes you have to work for it, but I think in this case we didn't mind. It was kind of fun.
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