Monday, March 16, 2009

Who says men can't multi-task?

Perhaps it is a bit prideful, and for that I apologize. But I do want to speak up for my fellow men-folk who are often told they, well, stink (for lack of a better word) at multi-tasking. Last night, the kids and I decided to give Mommy a little extra rest time when she fell asleep in the afternoon. So...this is what I did...
After Micah ate his supplementary bottle, I put him in his swing where he drifted off to sleep (which is really the whole reason I could do anything). Then I commenced to prepare supper...all at the same time..
I cooked burgers on our electric indoor grill, fried okra, made sweet tea (via simmer on the stove top), chopped up a pear for our fruit, baked a batch of triple-berry muffins, watched the kids, and did two loads of laundry at the same time. Martha Stewart eat your heart out!!!!
All the kids survived, and there was no fire. Well, okay, the tea bag strings got too close to the range at one point (we have a gas range) and they vanished with a flame, but it was controlled rather quickly. Ashley's expression when she was told dinner was on the table and ready was priceless and made it all worth it. She just look at me, her mouth dropped, and she landed a great big kiss on my lips and said, "I love you," in a sweet, newlywed kinda way. I would have traded it for anything in the world. YES, men can multi task when they set their minds to it. And wives, make sure you reward them as mine did, otherwise they may never even attempt it! It's a rare thing that happens only once in a blue moon, but don't let it slip by unnoticed!
I would do it all again if I had to. MEN UNITE!

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