Friday, January 22, 2010

Supervisor Dinner

I have worked for WalMart DC 6091 for almost 5 years now. And never have I been so proud as I was this evening. To show their appreciation to all the supervisors, the warehouse General Manager and other management gave all the supervisors an awesome dinner at the Texas Roadhouse (one of my new favorite restaurants). We had an awesome time hanging out with the other supervisors and their spouses. It was so neat to get together outside of work. I have spent a lot of hours with a good portion of these people, and it was great to be together at such a nice occasion. The food was great - I had ribeye and ribs with a loaded baked potato.

At the dinner they recognized the spouses for all they did to support us and our crazy schedules. This gesture was so well-received, because our spouses go through some difficult times with our schedules. I know Ashley is so understanding and very supportive. They were all presented with a new WalMart umbrella. All the supervisors also received a snazzy polo shirt with the new WalMart logo - love the spark!

To add to the joy of the occasion, several of the supervisors I work with, as well as the upper management team, are believers. So, our camaraderie is stronger because of the bond we share in Christ. To gather together like that for the first time was very exciting.

People often ask me, and to be perfectly honest I have even asked myself, "If you graduated from Seminary, why are you still at WalMart?" My answer, as simple as it sounds, is that God wants me there right now. I am able to minister and serve in a very important way. People spend a large portion of their week in their respective job environments. That makes it a very important place for the light of Christ to be aglow on a continual basis. Am I always a faithful ambassador of Christ at work? No, I'm not. But I'm still an ambassador nonetheless. And because of that I rely on Christ's faithfulness to display his grace in me, and for that grace to be a light to those with whom I work. Ashley and I are very content right where we are.

If the Lord wants us to move, he will make it happen and the direction will be clear. At this point, though, he simply hasn't done that. So, we are living our lives in light of the gospel and awaiting expectantly for his return. Which means that I have been called to be a supervisor at WalMart until the Lord changes that.

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