Caleb didn't have a middle name for the first couple of days of his life. We finally decided on Joshua. How fitting for the names Caleb and Joshua to be together in one name. Caleb has always been one of Ashley's favorites, and I have always liked the name Joshua. Caleb means "heart" and Joshua means "God is my salvation." So, the two make a great combination. As far as the biblical characters who bore those names are concerned, Caleb and Joshua are tremendous examples of faith.
When Israel was standing on the edge of the promised land, the elders sent 12 spies (one from each tribe) to explore the land and check out its inhabitants. Of the 12 spies, ten of them came back with their tails between their legs in fear. They were sure that Israel didn't stand a chance against the vast armies and giants that inhabited the land. Caleb and Joshua on the other hand, came back bold and sure that God would bring them into the land and surely wipe out the inhabitants. When everyone else lacked faith, it was Caleb and Joshua who demonstrated great faith. Because of Israel's lack of faith no one who came out of Egypt was going to live to see the promised land. No one except Caleb and Joshua! For they served the Lord "wholeheartedly" as Numbers 32:12 puts it.
That is a great legacy! And our Caleb will be taught all about what his name means. My heart will absolutely explode with joy should he choose to follow the same path.
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