Friday, December 3, 2010

Ready or not here he comes....okay maybe not.

There aren't too many things that make me anxious as much as waiting for a baby to be born.  There have been a few times now where Ashley will be having contractions about 10 mins apart.  This will go on for several hours, and then just stop.  It will continue long enough for us to get our hopes up and then just stop.  I have to make a conscious effort to not think about it.  It's driving us both bonkers.

There have been some great things about not having a baby yet, though.  Yesterday every one of us took a two-hour afternoon nap.  Mommy, Daddy, kids, everyone!  It was glorious!  Even the cat was sleeping!  Well, okay, that's nothing new for him.  That's all he really does.  I told him to get a job, but he just rolled over and acted like he didn't even hear me.  But this nap was certainly something that probably will not happen once little guy arrives.

Ashley's beat.  She is so spent from carrying around the baby in her belly and going through the normal daily routine.  Fortunately there hasn't been much going on, so we've been able to take things pretty easy as we wait.  If the baby doesn't come before Friday the 10th, they will induce that day.  Who knows...maybe he'll be here by then.

For those innovative types out there, I thought of the next great invention if you're up for it.  You know those pop-up timers on turkeys you buy from the store?  They pop-up to indicate when the turkey is fully cooked and okay to pull out of the oven.  Someone needs to invent a pop-up timer for pregnant ladies.  They should pop-out when it's time to go to the hospital.  That would eliminate all this guess work and waiting.

Then again...I think God likes it when we wait.  Our true colors tend to come out when we wait.  Wouldn't you agree?

1 comment:

  1. ERDMAN!!! I know you emailed me a while back and I sat it aside to respond and I've tried looking for it and have NO IDEA what I did with it. Email me again and let's connect! or Talk to ya soon! -scott
