Saturday, January 31, 2009
Welcome Home, Micah!
Ashley was glad to finally get home from the hospital. I know Abigail and Nathaniel were glad to see her come home, too. So now the real journey begins...pray for us as we adapt and begin to raise Micah.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
The Rest of the Story
As some of you already know, we were told very early on about how Ashley may have to be induced because it seemed at one point that Micah just was not growing. So from about 30 weeks forward, it seemed like time hit the brakes and slowed down because we could have the baby sooner than expected. Well, that all changed as we got closer. We didn't need to induce. But what did NOT change was that the doctors kept telling Ashley, "Oh, you'll never make it to your due date." Or "Oh, you'll never make it to the end of the week." Well, we just got the point where we began to ignore it, because they were wrong every time.
Ashley and baby Micah made it to the due date, and then some. And as most of you know, we went to the hospital a couple of times and were sent home. Ashley was experiencing the same signs as she did with both Abigail and Nathaniel. With those two pregnancies, we only had to go in one time, and her labor signs were extremely mild. So we just were not sure any more what to look for as a clue to go in. I mean obviously immense pain would be a very clear sign, but Ashley's other labors were not so painful until about 20 mins before she had to push....I know what you ladies are thinking, "Blessed art thou among women," right?
So this past week, Tuesday night to be exact, Ashley's contractions were consistently every 7 to 8 mins and had been regular for several hours. They were showing no signs of going away. Her doctor had just told her the previous Friday that if she reaches this point to go ahead to the hospital and they will most likely induce her to speed things along since she was already past her due date.
SO, what did we do? At about 11:00 pm we headed out to Rex Hospital. And to our utter disappointment, they sent us home. What made us so angry was that Ashley's contractions were getting closer and a little more stronger. But the nurse had the audacity to tell Ashley that she was not experiencing pain. Well, to that nurse, all I have to say is, you were wrong. We were back at the hospital in only a few hours.
Ashley did not get any sleep. The contractions were definitely getting worse. To the point where she would could not function (talk, move, stand up...breathe!). So at about 8:30-9:00 Wednesday morning, we were back on the road to Rex. They didn't send us home this time. We were there to stay. And Micah entered the world outside the womb at 11:28. So, if we had waited only a couple more hours, I probably would have delivered the baby at home (which I think I could have done, but the kids would have been scared out of their whits).
So, after being told for months that Micah would come early, that he would come soon, and that Ashley would have to be induced, Micah came exactly when God wanted him to. We were in His hands and were working on His time table.
So, as Paul Harvey always put you know the rest of the story.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Micah Allen Erdman
Name: Micah Allen Erdman
Born: 1/28/2009 11:28 am
Size/Weight: 6 lbs 9 oz. 20.75 inches
The pictures are in reverse order chronologically.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
How We Prolong Naptimes
But, by some divine miraculous intervention, we have discovered a way to prolong "naptime" for Abigail. And, no, it does not involve Benadryl or any mild anesthetics (although, that's not a terribly bad idea). If Abigail wakes up while we are in the middle of something and feel that she should sleep a little longer (or at least rest quietly on her bed), we get about 10 books off the shelf and let her indulge herself in her books. And get this all my schoolteacher friends and relatives...SHE LOVES IT! In fact, she likes it soooo much she asks, "Can naptime last really long?" Ahhh, music to my ears. What super genius parents we are to have discovered a way to encourage our children to want naptime to last on and on!
Okay, all kidding aside, we really do love our children. While we do struggle with selfish desires when it comes to spending time with the kids, it is nice to have a break from time to time. And I'm not terribly disappointed when that break lasts several hours.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Competing with the Zebras
So, while our baby is most likely not going to be easy prey to lions or other wild african beasts, Ashley is giving those four-legged mothers some good competition.
In all seriousness...we spoke with one of her Dr's today and they were extremely surprised that baby has not been born yet. Not alarmed, just suprised. They were not able to schedule an induction this week because the hospital was all booked up (imagine that...that's a whole other post). SO, the DR set her up for an ultrasound and fetal stress test (good thing this isn't a maternal stress test...she might not pass at this point) this Thursday to make sure the baby is doing okay. And she wants to induce Monday at the latest.
Yeah, usual we'll keep you posted, but uh, don't hold your breath.
Lunch Guest
At least he had enough manners to say the blessing before he ate...either that, or he is performing the traditional Gray-Squirrel-bow to honor the hand which feeds him (not very likely, though)
Have you ever eaten with one of those people who seem do nothing but watch you eat...yeah, well, this guy was sure we were watching him, but I think it was really the other way around.
What a mess! I guess the old saying is true, "It ain't good unless it's messy!"
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Moment of Silence
As a nation, we stood up against those who felt people who have a darker skin complexion should have limited rights. We defeated that nonsense by being reminded that our Constitution declares that all men have inalienable rights because we have all been created equal.
As a nation, we defeated countless tyrants who have abused their powers to destroy the lives of innocent people simply because they were different (take the Jews and Naziism for example). Ironically the Germans were convinced that the Jews were less than human...the very same argument that justifies the irony which I am about to address.
Why can we not see the irony in the fact that we are allowing, and even supporting with our tax money, the revoke of those rights of innocent lives on our very own soil and call it a matter of choice? I'm talking about abortion.
Who gets the choice anyway? The one who is killed? Or the one whose life has been "inconvenienced?" I have heard all the arguments and I still conclude that there is NO justifiable reason for an abortion for this simple fact - it is punishing the life of the one who is completely innocent in the situation. The unborn child did not choose to be conceived, yet forfeits his or her life to "improve the quality of life" of those who should love and protect him most.
I'm sorry, President Obama, this is where our main difference lies...I am not ashamed to call the murder of innocent human beings wrong, and by that conclusion I will always stand. And as a side note, I cannot believe my hard earned tax dollars are going to be used to fund this sort of madness. What have we come to as a nation? Am I the only one who sees this irony?
I know this is a very touchy issue for all of my readers, but you must know where I stand on this issue. And please please please understand that I do not hate any woman who has had an abortion. That is the last thing I want any of you to think. I am only concerned for speaking up for those who have no voice in this matter...those who are not even around to defend themselves. I am speaking for them...will anyone else join me? Even if you don't, I will not stop speaking up for them.
Now, thanks to our new administration in the White House, it will be easier to have an abortion. How can anyone not see the irony in this. A moment of silence is in order.
Abigail's Observations
Those were her words exactly, I kid you not. Oh, my far you will go to life's furthest shores, but close in my heart you will always be. Although I beg in vain for you not to grow up too fast, never forget how much your Dad loves you, and how he will always be your Dad where ever your ship lands.
Baby Update
Friday, January 23, 2009
The Latest Baby News...
So, it seems as though the time is drawing nearer. We will try our best to keep you all posted on the latest!
The Results Are In...
Since our poll only lasted up till the 21st, the winning vote was the selection "Some Later Date." But then, I am glad for this, since it would have made me worry if most of you had voted for a date that had already come and gone (I'm speaking mainly to those who just recently voted). If a date like that had won, then something would have been wrong, and I would have wondered where you got your information. But before you all throw things at me, I admit I did not vote for "Some Later Date." I was hoping the baby would have been here by now.
But soon enough! Ashley has an appointment this afternoon (around 3:45) with the OB. I'm interested to know if she has progressed at all. I would also like to know how long they will let her go before they intervene. I guess we'll all have to wait to hear the report...
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Dr. King and Change
I fear that there are a lot of people even today who are looking to Obama as a change-agent for America. That is certainly how he presented himself during his campaign for the presidency. The bottom line is, our government is not set up for one person to make lasting changes. There are bodies of legislators and other groups of officials who must vote to bring about changes. What influences their vote? The same thing that got them in their position to begin with...OUR VOTE! When he/she knows their constituents feel a certain way, an elected official is usually willing to go along with the general consensus. So it is US who makes the difference. Dr. King would say the same thing. So, do not place your trust in a president, regardless of his charisma or promises. Do not place your hope in government to fix all of our problems. Change your habits, ways, and thinking, and then change will begin. This is exactly what happened for every single cultural shift in our country's history. It was the PEOPLE who initiated change - not the government. For ours is a government "...of the people, by the people, for the people."
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday
Baby Update
Sunday, January 18, 2009
What I Like About Sundays
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Hall of Lives
I have never visited the NC Museum of Art. I would imagine there are some wonders to behold in those galleries. I'm sure there are some pieces I'm not at all afraid of missing. Then again there are probably others which would be absolutely fascinating. Imagine if you will, a hall full of people stiff as statues that line the wall. A bit grotesque, to be sure, but just follow along as there is method to my madness.
Imagine you find yourself walking down a quiet corridor of frozen people, as though you were wandering the halls of a wax works museum like that of Natural Bridge in Virginia. Each person you pass has a story. Each is very different from the other. Some are young, and some are old. Some are men and some are women.
As you grace past one at a time, you notice a little button just by their heads. Above the button is a red plate with the words, "Press Here." Curiously, you press the button, and as you stand in front of the frozen life, you begin to hear conversations. You hear phrases. You hear bits and pieces recounting the life of the person who is frozen before you. After the recording stops you take a breath and begin to draw conclusions about that person based upon what you heard. After it is over, you also begin to realize why the frozen person is dressed as they are. Why they have the look in their eyes that they have. You have essentially been given a glimpse at the person, and what their life was all about. Like a piece of art, they communicate to you something, regardless if it's positive or negative. You move on, anxious to find out about the lives of the others in the hall.
Imagine someone came to you in that hall of lives. What would they think? And for those of you who profess to be followers of Christ, what would the onlookers think of your God? Your supposed faith?
I will tell you plainly, this is happening every single day. Granted, we are not frozen as a wax statue, but we are living and breathing. There are plenty of gazers who cross our paths who catch a glimpse of our lives in just a brief moment. What do they walk away thinking?
Jesus said "By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples." (John 15:8) As a painting bespeaks the mind, heart, and soul of the painter, so we are living testimonies of our Creator. What sort of fruit are we producing? Is it pointing others to the Artist who has shaped us? Or is it leaving everyone with a sour taste as they would feel looking at a poorly contstructed work of art.
Here is where grace enters the picture, so to speak. Our lives are not frozen in time. We are changing, we are growing. What someone saw and thought about you yesterday can be changed. They can see who you once were and see now how God has shaped you into who you are today. They can see a poorly constructed life changed into a beautiful masterpiece that bespeaks only of a Master Artist! Only the Almighty God on High can take a life of evil, full of shortcomings, and full of sin and transform it into a life that speaks of His glory.
SO, how exactly DO we glorify God with our lives? We keep his commands. We love! Read John 15, to find out all about what it means to keep Christ's commands. In the meantime, remember...others are watching! Get out of the way and let them see Christ in your life!
Baby Progress
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Baby Progress:
Ms. Betty
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Baby Update
Monday, January 12, 2009
"Ahh, there's nothing like a lazy Sunday afternoon!"
"Now which color chapstick would match my outfit
today, the purple or the pink? Decisions, decisions!"
I hope you enjoyed our week as much as we did!