Ashley was glad to finally get home from the hospital. I know Abigail and Nathaniel were glad to see her come home, too. So now the real journey begins...pray for us as we adapt and begin to raise Micah.

Have you ever eaten with one of those people who seem do nothing but watch you eat...yeah, well, this guy was sure we were watching him, but I think it was really the other way around.
What a mess! I guess the old saying is true, "It ain't good unless it's messy!"
I fear that there are a lot of people even today who are looking to Obama as a change-agent for America. That is certainly how he presented himself during his campaign for the presidency. The bottom line is, our government is not set up for one person to make lasting changes. There are bodies of legislators and other groups of officials who must vote to bring about changes. What influences their vote? The same thing that got them in their position to begin with...OUR VOTE! When he/she knows their constituents feel a certain way, an elected official is usually willing to go along with the general consensus. So it is US who makes the difference. Dr. King would say the same thing. So, do not place your trust in a president, regardless of his charisma or promises. Do not place your hope in government to fix all of our problems. Change your habits, ways, and thinking, and then change will begin. This is exactly what happened for every single cultural shift in our country's history. It was the PEOPLE who initiated change - not the government. For ours is a government "...of the people, by the people, for the people."
I have never visited the NC Museum of Art. I would imagine there are some wonders to behold in those galleries. I'm sure there are some pieces I'm not at all afraid of missing. Then again there are probably others which would be absolutely fascinating. Imagine if you will, a hall full of people stiff as statues that line the wall. A bit grotesque, to be sure, but just follow along as there is method to my madness.
Imagine you find yourself walking down a quiet corridor of frozen people, as though you were wandering the halls of a wax works museum like that of Natural Bridge in Virginia. Each person you pass has a story. Each is very different from the other. Some are young, and some are old. Some are men and some are women.
As you grace past one at a time, you notice a little button just by their heads. Above the button is a red plate with the words, "Press Here." Curiously, you press the button, and as you stand in front of the frozen life, you begin to hear conversations. You hear phrases. You hear bits and pieces recounting the life of the person who is frozen before you. After the recording stops you take a breath and begin to draw conclusions about that person based upon what you heard. After it is over, you also begin to realize why the frozen person is dressed as they are. Why they have the look in their eyes that they have. You have essentially been given a glimpse at the person, and what their life was all about. Like a piece of art, they communicate to you something, regardless if it's positive or negative. You move on, anxious to find out about the lives of the others in the hall.
Imagine someone came to you in that hall of lives. What would they think? And for those of you who profess to be followers of Christ, what would the onlookers think of your God? Your supposed faith?
I will tell you plainly, this is happening every single day. Granted, we are not frozen as a wax statue, but we are living and breathing. There are plenty of gazers who cross our paths who catch a glimpse of our lives in just a brief moment. What do they walk away thinking?
Jesus said "By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples." (John 15:8) As a painting bespeaks the mind, heart, and soul of the painter, so we are living testimonies of our Creator. What sort of fruit are we producing? Is it pointing others to the Artist who has shaped us? Or is it leaving everyone with a sour taste as they would feel looking at a poorly contstructed work of art.
Here is where grace enters the picture, so to speak. Our lives are not frozen in time. We are changing, we are growing. What someone saw and thought about you yesterday can be changed. They can see who you once were and see now how God has shaped you into who you are today. They can see a poorly constructed life changed into a beautiful masterpiece that bespeaks only of a Master Artist! Only the Almighty God on High can take a life of evil, full of shortcomings, and full of sin and transform it into a life that speaks of His glory.
SO, how exactly DO we glorify God with our lives? We keep his commands. We love! Read John 15, to find out all about what it means to keep Christ's commands. In the meantime, remember...others are watching! Get out of the way and let them see Christ in your life!
"Ahh, there's nothing like a lazy Sunday afternoon!"
"Now which color chapstick would match my outfit
today, the purple or the pink? Decisions, decisions!"