You know, time is never a factor when it comes to being close friends. You can know someone for 5 minutes or 5 years, and if the two of you strike up a friendship, you will never forget each other. We lived down the street from Ms. Betty for the first year of our marriage, and the first year of our season in Clifton Forge, VA. We always remember her for our afternoon visits.
Just about once every other week or so we would walk down the road to Ms. Betty's to just sit and visit. She would usually have me fill her bird/squirrel feeder. Sometimes, I would mow and weedeat for her. Then when all was done, we would find ourselves sitting in her living room discussing current happenings with the children and youth at Lone Star over a soda and cookies. She always offered refreshments, and even though we tried to politely refuse, she wouldn't have it.
We would talk for a long time about life and church. She was always so encouraging to both Ashley and myself. One of the things I will never forget is how she never let us leave without having me pray. We would all three hold hands, and pray, right there in her living room.
After we left out of Clifton Forge, we could always expect a Christmas card from her. When we talked, she would always ask, "Have you gotten a church yet?"
We're going to miss her. She is home now, though. I'd like to think she often dreamed of what it would be like to live with our Lord in glory while she sat in that glider rocker by her big picture window in her living room. With Bible in lap, prayer list in hand, I know without a doubt that she prayed for us all just about every single day for years. Now, she can see Jesus face to face. She has truly seen her reward. Though our hearts are heavy with sorrow, our hopes remain that one day we will all be together again.
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