Tuesday, January 27, 2009

How We Prolong Naptimes

While I love my kids so very much, one of my least favorite times of day has to be at the end of naptime. I must confess, this is completely and totally selfish on my part. But those precious hours of freedom from childcare are always such a blessing, and Ashley and I both enjoy naptimes for that very reason. Our selfish freedom is immediately interrupted once one of the kids wakes up.
But, by some divine miraculous intervention, we have discovered a way to prolong "naptime" for Abigail. And, no, it does not involve Benadryl or any mild anesthetics (although, that's not a terribly bad idea). If Abigail wakes up while we are in the middle of something and feel that she should sleep a little longer (or at least rest quietly on her bed), we get about 10 books off the shelf and let her indulge herself in her books. And get this all my schoolteacher friends and relatives...SHE LOVES IT! In fact, she likes it soooo much she asks, "Can naptime last really long?" Ahhh, music to my ears. What super genius parents we are to have discovered a way to encourage our children to want naptime to last on and on!
Okay, all kidding aside, we really do love our children. While we do struggle with selfish desires when it comes to spending time with the kids, it is nice to have a break from time to time. And I'm not terribly disappointed when that break lasts several hours.

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