Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Drips, Doors, and Diapers

Cold season has finally caught up to our house. Every last one of us is sick. It began with Abigail feeling bad the week after Christmas. I was the only one well for a good while. Then my number was called. And boy is this one is a doozy! To make things worse, I started my new shift this week (which is going very well by the way), so I'm sure I made quite a first impression as I look awful (at least that's what Josh Bruce says), can barely talk, and feel like I have huge cotton balls in my ears which means everyone I talk to has to repeat themselves at least once (run-on sentences mean nothing to me when I'm sick, so kindly overlook the poor grammar if you please). Conversations have typically been me straining to get the words out, the listener saying "huh" half a dozen times, then finally responding to me once they get the message, and then me saying "huh" right back to them. What fun. For some reason I do not get sick very often, but when I do it all but knocks me out.

So what are we doing about it? Well, I'm sitting on my rear end while my pregnant wife (who cooked and cleaned and kept two toddlers all day) installs a freshly painted interior door on the guest bathroom. Maybe you can stop her. I haven't had any luck. Diapers one minute, doors the next...I married one incredible woman. However does she put up with me?

1 comment:

  1. because she knows you would do the same for her .... you two make a GREAT team
