While I actually wouldn't mind if I spend the remainder of the day at the Rex Hospital birthing center (which is not looking very probable at this point), I plan on relaxing with the family. I love my Sunday afternoons. Ashley's busily whipping up a deliciously smelling pork roast with mashed potatoes. The kids are getting some last minute play time in before we round up for lunch. The aroma from the Sunday meal fills the air. The giggles, car noises, and occassional whines fill my ears. And the pleasure of knowing that there is absolutely nothing that has to be done the rest of this day fills my heart with unspeakable joy.
To be perfectly honest, I admit that this morning's church service really set the tone. It was a fantastic service this morning. One that encouragement my heart so much. I love my church family. They are so dear to my heart. I'm so grateful to our God and King for guiding us here and gracing us with such a beautiful fellowship as we have with our brothers and sisters at North Wake.
I look forward to Sundays for the first time in over three years.
(The above picture is the sun rising over the Dead Sea courtesy wikipedia.com. Catch the irony behind this thrilling image?)
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