Sunday, January 4, 2009


One of the greatest schemes of the Evil One in our day and age is convincing the world that the Church is a building. To say I "go to church" is a bit of a misnomer. The Biblical truth is that I am a part of The Church - the Body and Bride of Christ Jesus. The idea of "going to church" implies that I'm not presently there and, therefore, am somewhere on the outside looking in. If this were true, then the only time I partake in the fellowship of the redeemed is when I am within the walls of my church. This is simply unbiblical.
When I say I "went to church" I mean that I went to the place where our local fellowship of believers meets to worship God and apply Biblical teaching. But, in all reality, there is never a time when I am outside of the church. What a sobering thought this is! The relationship that I think so hard about every Sunday, is still a reality Monday through Saturday. The life I claim to have on Sunday, is the same one I demonstrate Monday through Saturday.

So, I went to the Sunday morning worship service at our church for the first time since Mother's Day, 2008. My new position and shift at work begins Tuesday of this week, meaning this was my first weekend off. It has been so grand! I sat with my family in church today!
There was nothing magical about our physical presence in the building. BUT it was a statement to all our fellow redeemed brothers and sisters that our family will worship together on Sundays from now on! That is something to be excited about! Now I can sit under the teaching of some of the wisest and most spiritually mature men I have ever known. Now I can set aside a part of my week and devote it solely to worship, prayer, and applying God's Word.
I love my church! BUT only because it is exactly how the Church of Christ should operate and function - as a family, a united body whose passion is to glorify God. If you want to come join us, just let me know. I will be there as often as I can!

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