Sunday, January 25, 2009

Moment of Silence

I know not everyone who will read this will be in agreement with me. But there is someone who must say something, and those who are affected by this decision literally have no voice in the matter...
As a nation, we stood up against those who felt people who have a darker skin complexion should have limited rights. We defeated that nonsense by being reminded that our Constitution declares that all men have inalienable rights because we have all been created equal.
As a nation, we defeated countless tyrants who have abused their powers to destroy the lives of innocent people simply because they were different (take the Jews and Naziism for example). Ironically the Germans were convinced that the Jews were less than human...the very same argument that justifies the irony which I am about to address.
Why can we not see the irony in the fact that we are allowing, and even supporting with our tax money, the revoke of those rights of innocent lives on our very own soil and call it a matter of choice? I'm talking about abortion.
Who gets the choice anyway? The one who is killed? Or the one whose life has been "inconvenienced?" I have heard all the arguments and I still conclude that there is NO justifiable reason for an abortion for this simple fact - it is punishing the life of the one who is completely innocent in the situation. The unborn child did not choose to be conceived, yet forfeits his or her life to "improve the quality of life" of those who should love and protect him most.
I'm sorry, President Obama, this is where our main difference lies...I am not ashamed to call the murder of innocent human beings wrong, and by that conclusion I will always stand. And as a side note, I cannot believe my hard earned tax dollars are going to be used to fund this sort of madness. What have we come to as a nation? Am I the only one who sees this irony?
I know this is a very touchy issue for all of my readers, but you must know where I stand on this issue. And please please please understand that I do not hate any woman who has had an abortion. That is the last thing I want any of you to think. I am only concerned for speaking up for those who have no voice in this matter...those who are not even around to defend themselves. I am speaking for them...will anyone else join me? Even if you don't, I will not stop speaking up for them.
Now, thanks to our new administration in the White House, it will be easier to have an abortion. How can anyone not see the irony in this. A moment of silence is in order.

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